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is the android port made , using sdl and c++ ?

This game is coded in Monkey2 but it ends via translator in  c++ and sdl.

Needs a lot more information on the main map, eg showing which tiles are covered by which soldiers, eg showing how much resource is left in each tile, eg showing how far each watchtower will expand build range to (why do some tiles be unbuildable, seemingly random?)

Many thanks for your detailed feedback.

why do some tiles be unbuildable, seemingly random?

Which tiles did you mean exactly?

(1 edit)

I noticed a typo - the description of the large residence says 2 people, when it houses 4.

Other than that, love the game. It has all the best parts of resource/economy style rpgs, with a combat system that feels like a puzzle. Really well done.

Edit: Although, I would like an exit button on the main menu.

Thanks for your feedback and the info about the typo in the description.

I agree a exit button for the windows version is a nice idea.